Foods Shown to be as Effective as Statin Drugs in Lowering Bad Cholesterol

Duranti,Lovati, etc. U.of Milan "Employing a soybean protein-containing dietary intervention for the management of lipid [fat] disorders was recommended recently by the Adult Treatment Panel 111 of the USA National Cholesterol Education Program, and the American Heart Association.

The cholesterol-lowering effect has been shown to act through activation of the LDL [bad cholesterol] receptor pathway. Moreover, Jenkins et al, demonstrated that a dietary [program,] consisting in a diet low in saturated fats [but] containing soybean proteins, nuts, plant sterols, and [sticky] fibers, [given] to healthy [high-cholesterol bearing] subjects, was as effective in lowering cholesterol and C-reactive protein [a marker of impending heart disease] as was statin treatment. Emphases added.

In: The Journal of Nutrition, vol. 134, 2004. By: Duranti, Lovati, Dani, Morazoni, et. al., Depts. of AgroFood Molecular Sciences and Pharmacological Sciences, U. of Milan, -20133 Milan, Italy & Scientific Dept. INDENA S.p.A., 1-20139, Milan.

(Published: The Journal of Nutrition, vol. 134, 2004 )

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